Monday, September 1, 2008

The View

Today I utilized our balcony, as the view of Palermo from our new apartment is very pleasant.

La Nación featured an article about my new employer, The Argentimes, in today's paper. I believe the article can be sumed up best by editor Kristie Robinson's quote explaining The Argentimes' stance on covering journalism. The writers do not pretend to explain Argentine culture from the experience of a native. Instead, the biweekly takes Argentine issues, both from the campo and the city, and explains why they are important to the English-speaking community in Buenos Aires (um, and indirectly THE WORLD). As Buenos Aires continually attracts more visitors and expats, the paper offers a fresh and relevant point of view to a growing market. You can read the entire article here. Beware, it's in kastejanoh (castellano).

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I have read some cool stuff about Palermo and seen some very nice pictures (like the one you have). Where is Palermo?

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